xAPI is now an IEEE Standard – but does your LMS Support it yet?
xAPI has been around for over 10 years now. Starting as the Tin-Can API Project. Having been involved with the growth of xAPI, it is so great to see the next iteration of xAPI (xAPI 2.0) now become officially recognized as an IEEE Standard (IEEE 9274.1.1-2023). The big deal here is who has approved it. […]
Remote Asssessment using xAPI with Remote Reviewer
xapi.com.au / The Digital Learning Guy have recently launched their initial MVP of Remote Reviewer. Remote Reviewer is an online platform that provides secure and flexible solutions for conducting assessments and evaluations remotely. With the power of xAPI technology, data is efficiently captured and stored, making it easier to manage and track results. Whether you […]
How to capture xAPI statements from a Video
Recently along with Peter Hawkins of the Australian xAPI User Group, I presented at a Local event for the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) QLD/NT Council on an introduction to xAPI and a real time demo of how xAPI can be used with a Video. The concept was to show, in almost real […]
Open Course: Introduction to Experience API (xAPI)
The final part of the Edx course on MicroMasters Instructional Design and Technology was to develop a course. If you’ve been following, you would’ve seen a few articles on Experience API (xAPI). My final capstone project was to develop a course that could be run over a 2-3 week period. In true sharing fashion, the […]
Introduction to xAPI and using a Learning Record Store LRS [Video]
Continuing on with sharing resources created in a recent course I completed on edX, here is a short video introducing how the Learning Record Store (LRS) plays a part in Experience API (xAPI). For what it’s worth, I had to rationalise what software I used and had to include screenrecoding. I used Articulate Storyboard 360 to […]